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Is Arthritis Reversible?

Is Arthritis Reversible?

Arthritis, with all of its pain, stiffness, and reduced mobility, can feel like an inevitable part of aging. If you’re dealing with arthritis and wonder if it's  truly irreversible, then you aren’t alone.  About 53.2 million Americans currently live with arthritis.

Read on as Dr. Dustin Hamoy, DPT, MTC, DNC, CKTP, CWCHP discusses whether or not arthritis is reversible and how the team here at Precision Laser Joint and Spine Pain Center in Glen Burnie, Maryland, can help you get relief.

Learn more about arthritis 

Arthritis is a broad term, encompassing more than 100 different types of joint diseases. The two most common forms are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Osteoarthritis typically involves the breakdown of cartilage in your joints, while RA is an autoimmune condition characterized by inflammation and damage to joint tissues.

Arthritis can also develop as a result of a sports injury and is referred to as post-traumatic arthritis.

Can you reserve arthritis?

Unfortunately, you can’t reverse arthritis, but there’s still a silver lining. The right treatments and lifestyle modifications can help slow the progression of your joint degeneration.

Here’s a look at what you can do to help preserve your joint function:

Eat anti-inflammatory foods

There isn’t a magic food to alleviate arthritis pain, but anti-inflammatory foods can help reduce inflammation in your joints. Tomatoes, olive oil, berries, peppers, and fatty fish can be part of a well-balanced diet that fights inflammation. 

On the flip side, some foods can increase inflammation in your body. The Arthritis Foundation lists gluten, casein, aspartame, alcohol, and trans fats as some of the most inflammatory foods.

Exercise regularly 

Exercise can help you manage arthritis in a few ways. Regular physical activity:

It isn’t just about your joints though! Regular exercise has been shown to have positive effects on your mental health, which can help reduce stress, anxiety, and depression — all of which are common comorbidities in individuals with arthritis.

Not sure where to start? Low-impact exercises like walking, swimming, and tai chi are recommended. Avoid high-impact activities that put more stress on your joints. 

Maintain a health weight

Carrying excess weight puts added stress on your joints, which can then exacerbate pain and inflammation. If you’re overweight and lose just 10% of your body weight, it can reduce joint strain, improve mobility, and potentially slow the progression of arthritis.

Bonus: Exercising and eating anti-inflammatory foods — both of which are independently good for your joints —  can help you achieve your targeted weight. 


Medication won’t cure or reverse arthritis, but it can help you manage your pain. 

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corticosteroids, disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs), and biologic agents are often used to manage arthritis symptoms and slow disease progression.

Laser therapy

In addition to medication management, Dr. Hamoy may also suggest laser therapy. Multiwave locked system (MLS®) laser therapy is an FDA-cleared technology that has up to 90% efficacy rate in relieving pain and inflammation

Here’s how it works: When the light energy penetrates deep into your tissues, it stimulates cellular activity, increases blood flow, and reduces inflammation. Because MLS laser therapy helps to reduce pain and inflammation, it can also help reduce your risk of surgery and prescription pain medication. 

Get help for your arthritis pain

Although arthritis can’t be reversed, you can take action to prevent your symptoms from getting worse. Dr. Hamoy utilizes the MLS laser from ASA Laser to help reduce your pain, improve your functionality, and help you avoid more invasive treatments like joint injections or surgery.

Need help with your arthritis? Call our Glen Burnie, Maryland, office at 659-204-5737 to find out if MLS laser therapy is right for you. Or, simply click here to book your appointment online. 

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